Miss Horny Devil
A Beauty Pageant like no other!
It was a night of pure entertainment for a great cause.
Two clubs, Hornridge and Olympic Dam, came together, 3 beauties from each club put on a show to be remembered for seasons to come.
Some traditional aspects of a pageant were followed, the night commenced with a display of the contestants best evening wear. A few wardrobe malfunctions made for an interesting start of the night for those who braved the front row of the catwalk. Some unexpected "talents" were uncovered during the next section, from lip syncing, dance, singing and even poetry "skills" being uncovered as the night went on.
The night finished with the much anticipated swimwear section. We lost count of the number of swimsuit slips during this time. The judging panel, a combination of long term members from each club, had some tough decisions ahead. When it came down to the final winner it came down to a tie, between the top contestants from each club.
A traditional OD table danceoff was determined to be the deciding factor.
In a highly controversial decision the title of Miss Horny Devil was award to Hornridge.
Throughout the night a number of items were put up for auction, along with the entry fee together OD and Hornridge raised $3,175 for Breast Cancer research!
*due to the natural of some of the costumes and activities for the night we have not published any photos of the contestants. But here are some social pics for the night. Be sure to join us next time to see first hand how much fun these nights are!