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Tyler 'Woodsy' Sims - Life Membership

Tyler has been an integral part of the ODSC community. Tyler was approached by M.Hoffmann when he first came to town and introduced him to the devils. Tyler then joined the committee as the Social Representitive. This was just the start of Tylers ODSC Career. Tyler planned and executed a number of social functions for the sporting club, which all went off with a bang. You could always count on Woodsy to come up with an exciting and fun function. Tyler stayed on the committee as social rep for a number of years before moving onto the Vice President Role.

Tyler was Vice President to Cameron Green. He was a great support for Greeny in what were some of our toughest years for the sporting club, with financial hardship at the forefront of every committee meeting. With Tyler getting a taste of leadership, we then saw him move into the President role.

Tyler served as the Olympic Dam Football Club president in 2016. Tyler instigated a number of bold decisions; one being renaming the football club to the Sporting Club, to ensure all sports fell under the same banner. With the clubs finances constantly being one of the biggest talking points at the committee meetings, Tyler found other ways to bring the money into the club by taking on the town paper run. Tyler also helped out at market days, where we sold fairy floss and show bags. Slowly but surely, the clubs finances started to go in the right direction.

Tyler served as the ODSC president for four years, stepping down from the role at the end of 2019. This was not the end of Tyler’s ODSC Committee career. In 2020, Tyler took on the Treasurer role, which he contributed to for a year, before concentrating solely on the statistician role.

Tyler has been in charge of the clubs stats from 2017-2021 bringing every sport up to date. Making sure we celebrated milestones within the club with a number of people reaching 50 and 100 games and also a major milestone of a 200 gamer.

Along with all these roles, Tyler also contributed to the cricket club, being their president and also donning the baggy green. Tyler has been a part of cricket premierships, ones he wont every forget I am sure.

Tylers also contributed to the football side, playing through a number of injuries and achieving 50 games for the club - no easy feat.

Tyler Bleeds Green and Gold and he would do anything for this amazing club.

Congratulations Tyler!


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